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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  August 18, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning, america. this morning, aerial assault. dallas doubling its efforts overnight. more planes, more pesticides dropped directly on one of the country's biggest cities, all to stop the worst west nile outbreak in the nation ever. breakfast warning, a deadly salmonella strain linked to cantaloupes. two deaths. more than 140 people sick. the trail leads through 20 states. what you need to know. dramatic steps. gas prices surge higher. now the white house is considering releasing oil from the strategic reserve. will it happen? and will it ease your pain at the pump? the billionaire and the bozo. it was a shocking crime. steve jobs' home robbed. why is this clown at the center of it all? this morning, kenny the clown speaks out.
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♪ if there's a smile on my face ♪ hey, good morning, america. in nonkenny-the-clown news, we have a lot of politics. >> front and center. >> this is a big day. >> it is a big day today. front and center this morning. mitt romney under fire for his taxes. and now paul ryan, his running mate, releasing two years of his. we'll tell you what they reveal and how is ryan's mother figuring into the debate today? she'll be out campaigning and for a very calculated reason. >> mother and son on the campaign trail today in florida. also, look at this video. there are two sisters trapped inside this car. those people trying to get them out, they're all complete strangers. 30 of them risking their own lives. we're going to hear from them coming up. >> talking about the kindness of strangers. a new twist in a story you were telling us yesterday on "gma." a story that got so many people fired up. a german shepherd rescued from
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atop a colorado mountain after his owner abandoned him. now the owner is in the middle of a custody battle with the hikers that saved the dog. but the twist this morning, the law is stepping in. we'll tell you whose side they've come down on. >> the picture of that dog being carried down in a backpack is indelible. unforgettable. we're going to start with the overnight air raids on dallas. the target? bugs. they're spreading the west nile virus which has killed ten people so far. abc meteorologist ginger zee is on the story. good morning to you, ginger. >> reporter: a warm winter and extreme heat on standing water. a perfect breeding ground for the west nile virus in texas. the weather is affecting the battle against the disease, too. for the second night in a row, weather grounded the planes engaged in the aerial assault. overnight, the war on the west nile virus doubled in size. two more planes added to the fleet tasked with spraying more
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than 100,000 acres of land in dallas county. the target? mosquitos. responsible for the nation's worst ever outbreak of west nile virus. half the cases are in the dallas area, home to 2.5 million. the outbreak has already left ten dead. and more than 200 ill. >> it's killing people. that's enough. you don't need to know any more. >> reporter: this is the first time in almost a half century that dallas county has taken to the air to spray pesticides. a method that has some residents on edge. >> we went ahead and covered their part of in the yard, too, as well as the area that my daughter plays in, just to be extra safe. >> reporter: others are more concerned about the mosquitos than the strong chemicals used to kill them. >> i don't want anybody to get this. so if it means that they have to go and spray from the air, do it. >> reporter: spraying will resume tonight. officials hoping the virus-carrying mosquitos get the message. don't mess with texas.
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this isn't an issue for texas alone. so far, the cdc says there are almost 700 reported cases of the west nile virus across 43 states. that's the highest number of cases reported since records have been kept. dan and bianna? >> thank you, ginger. let's check the overnight headlines with mr. ron claiborne. ron, good morning. >> dan, how's it going this morning? how is jake? >> he's adorable. >> tell him hi. >> i will. good morning, everyone. we begin with a growing outbreak of salmonella in cantaloupe. two people have died and at least 140 have been sickened. the outbreak has spread to at least 20 states. abc's kirit radia is here with more. good morning, kirit. >> reporter: good morning, ron. authorities are trying to find out where the fruit is being sold. as a precaution, officials in indiana and kentucky are urging people to throw out any cantaloupes they have bought recently. the outbreak spread to 20 states. it began early in july with cantaloupes grown at a farm in indiana. since then, 140 people have been sick. officials in kentucky are saying
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they've seen double the number of cases that they normally get. you'll remember last year, a listeria outbreak from cantaloupe in colorado killed 30 people across the country. ron? >> okay, kirit radia reporting on the salmonella outbreak in cantaloupe. fire warnings in place today for parts of the west already ravaged by wildfires. dozens of large wildfires are burning out of control, fueled by drought. hundreds of people that were forced from their homes in washington state and california were allowed to return to their homes on friday. we showed you this house in washington yesterday which miraculously survived the fires. we tracked down the owners. >> when we left, i -- for every practical reason the house should have burned down. god is good. meanwhile, some residents in central idaho were told to evacuate late friday because of growing fires in that state. wall street finished higher for the sixth straight week.
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with the major indexes near their highest levels in four years. the dow added 25 points. on positive news from retailers. but unemployment rose in 44 states last month, the most in three years. as hiring remaining weak and more people started to look for work. doctors are calling this a miracle. you gotta check this out. a construction worker in brazil survived a metal bar piercing his skull. this is pretty grim. the six-foot-long bar fell from the building. it went through his hard hat, entering the back of his head and exiting between his eyes. he was awake when he got to the hospital and told doctors what happened. and apparently is showing no ill effects after surgery to remove that. pretty amazing. a new study finds, listen to this one, that men are bad influences on their wives. this is weird. at least when it comes to drinking alcohol. researchers found that married women generally drink more heavily than other women.
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while their husbands tend to drink less than other men. the researchers reached the interesting conclusion that this is because women help keep their husband's drinking under control while the married men are a bad influence on their wives. this is open to a lot of interpretation. >> we have a lot of responsibilities, us married women. >> that reminds me to pick up a case of beer on the way home. >> so your wife can drink it, right? >> no, we're not advocating that. >> kidding, kidding. >> thanks, ron. now to the pain we're all feeling at the pump. gas prices spiked nearly 40 cents in just the past month. with some estimates predicting that 2012 will likely be the most expensive year ever to drive a car in the united states. now the white house is considering drastic measures. would tapping into the oil reserve relieve pressure at the pump for cash-strapped consumers? john schriffen has more from chicago. good morning, john. >> reporter: bianna, good morning. no one is feeling the pain at the pump more than drivers right
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here in chicago. paying the highest price on average in the country at $4.65. at the beginning of the summer, analysts predicted we could see $5 per gallon around the country. then we saw around the country spots popping up at just under $3. now the trend has reversed. we could be on pace for the most expensive year at the pump ever. you think the price of gas has gone up in your neighborhood, you're not alone. in just the last two weeks, in washington, it went from $3.67 to $3.93. that's an increase of 26 cents a gallon. california, it's up 27 cents to $4.10. and in oregon, the price has risen a whopping 29 cents a gallon. >> it's difficult to go long distances. can't afford it. >> reporter: what's caused the unpleasant end-of-summer surprise? refinery outages in the midwest. rising crude oil costs, and rising ethanol costs due to drought.
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the white house is considering releasing some of the country's strategic oil reserves to bring down the price of gas and put pressure on iran. >> a release of the strategic petroleum reserve is an option that is on the table. >> we could use all resources to bring gas prices down, why not? >> reporter: but patrick from does not agree. >> the strategic petroleum reserve is supposed to be used in times of war or real disruptions in oil supplies. that way, we wouldn't see a shock in oil prices. it's not supposed to be used to bring down the price of oil without disruption. >> reporter: yet, many we talked to, especially with families, think this could be the good news they were looking for. >> that would make me happy. i could buy more things for my kids. >> reporter: but there is some good news for drivers. according to our expert from, as the summer comes to an end, demand for gasoline goes down. it becomes cheaper to produce gasoline. which means we could see prices
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fall by mid to late september, dan. >> good to hear. john schriffen, thank you. we're now seven days into the newly minted romney/ryan ticket. and the snark and sniping is hitting new levels. it's "your voice, your vote." the latest? paul ryan has just released two years of tax returns. it has team obama asking, what about romney's returns? david kerley is at the white house with the latest this morning. david, i gotta ask you, does the obama campaign really think they're going to be able to cajole romney into releasing five years of tax returns? >> reporter: they think they can keep the issue alive, dan. that's what they're trying to do. they're going to continue to do so, as well. what they did yesterday was send a letter to romney and say, give us five years of your returns that's three more -- and we won't ask for any more returns. the romney campaign said no, we followed the law, we're not going to do anything further. but this is gonna stay in the news. romney has to release last year's return once it's completed. when that comes up, it all gets talked about again. the obama campaign wants to keep talking about mitt romney, he's not like you. he's a multimillionaire.
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that's the issue they want to frame around him. >> let's talk about his new running mate, paul ryan. he'll be on the trail in florida with his mom. is this about medicare? >> reporter: oh, i guess so, yeah. his mom is 78 years old. he's going to be in a florida retirement community. and yes, he's going to be talking about medicare and how his plan would not hurt current seniors if his plan or mitt romney's plan was adopted. his mother is 78 years old. she's from wisconsin. she has a home in florida and is a registered voter in florida. so, yes, this is all about medicare today for paul ryan in florida. >> he released his returns. what do they show? >> reporter: they show he paid 20% in taxes last year, more than mitt romney. romney paid 13.9%. ryan paid about 16% the year before. we didn't see everything. he has a trust fund with his wife. we didn't see all their income, all their value. but he did release two of his
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returns, as romney has said he's done. but guess what? paul ryan had to give more than that to the romney campaign but he's not releasing more to the public. >> the people in the building behind you hope to keep the topic on the tax returns. as opposed to the unemployment rate. david kerley, reporting from washington this morning. thank you, david. over to you, bianna. the epic fail on wall street. facebook stock tumbling further. now worth half of what it was initially offered for. some investors are now questioning whether the man in the hoodie, 28-year-old ceo mark zuckerberg is to blame. he's been radio silent about the problems until now. it may be painful. according to multiple sources, those are the first words we have heard from mark zuckerberg since his company's disastrous ipo three months ago. and the pain is spreading. the 28-year-old mogul now under growing pressure to turn his stock around. one headline -- is zuckerberg in over his hoodie? >> he's made an about-face here. he's come up in front of the whole company, he said we know this is painful for you. you can talk about this. and we want you to have faith.
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>> reporter: the pain he referenced, this brutal stock slide. from its initial offering of $38 to its closing price on friday, $19.07. and some see his casual dress, sneakers and hoodies, even when meeting with high-powered investors as a sign he's not serious enough. >> mark zuckerberg cares about his employees. i don't think he cares about investors. >> reporter: but zuckerberg may come out the biggest losers. since may, he's lost millions of shareholder friends and some $9 billion in personal wealth. >> let's do this. >> reporter: on the day his company became the third largest ipo in history, he posted this photo of a poster saying, stay focused, keep shipping, on his facebook page. but with more analysts questioning his leadership ability, the pressure to keep morale high among his employees are rising.
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>> you have some people, in their heads think they're worth a lot more money, initially, than they end up worth. that can be an emotional thing for people. i can't imagine that it isn't scary when you thought you had enough money to buy a house and all of a sudden you don't. >> and dan, another big loser out of all of this? the state of california had been expecting to take in so much more tax revenue from this ipo and they continue to miss their estimates. >> the biggest loser, zuckerberg, $9 billion. >> he's still got a few billion. don't feel too sorry for him. >> a point well made. a new twist this morning. it centers around this face right here. this is misty, marooned on the top of a mountain. abandoned by her owner. then rescued by a group of total strangers. a bitter custody battle was brewing. now come criminal charges. anthony ortolani, seen here with his dog in a loving embrace, eventually left her hanging on for her life. the 29-year-old who abandoned
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his dog on a mountain two weeks ago is now charged with animal cruelty. >> it could be losing the animal to fines and/or jail time if the court deems so. >> reporter: ortolani claims that while hiking, his dog suffered multiple injuries and he was unable to carry her down on his own. a week later, she was found bloody and alone. >> she was laying there. she was barely moving at all. >> reporter: at 14,000 feet, scott and amanda found misty and they had no way of getting her down. they posted her picture and location online. >> we got tons and tons of phone calls. they started rolling in. people wanting to help. >> reporter: and the next day, seven volunteers, mostly strangers, raced up the mountain to save the battered dog. in this unforgettable image, they gingerly loaded misty into a backpack and carried her down the mountain. >> when she was brought into the clinic, she had major cuts and lacerations to all four legs and feet. >> reporter: anthony found out about the rescue and pleaded for
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sympathy in an online forum. i humbly beg the forgiveness of the community and most of all, my missy girl. the community was not buying it. >> he made absolutely no effort to save her after that. he just threw her away. he left her to die. >> reporter: now the sheriff's office has filed a criminal charge. meanwhile, missy the miracle dog is healing and will hopefully hike another day. >> she's doing very well. the doctor says she'll make a full recovery. >> so great to hear that. as missy con valvalesces at the vet's office, it is unclear where she will ultimately go to live. we hear that decision may take months. >> i think i would have more sympathy for the owner had he gone and sought help like the other people did. >> he said he thought she died. >> well, good that she didn't. >> absolutely correct. time for the weather and ginger zee. hey, ginger. >> good morning, everyone. i want to start with some video out of california. this is pretty impressive.
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i want to start you out with some mudslides and things happening because of flash flooding. this is about 75 miles south and east of los angeles. a place called forest falls. there were some rescues. luckily no one injured or killed. the thunderstorm activity is all with monsoonal flow. it is going to continue not only for southern california, there through phoenix, tucson, flagstaff, slightly cooler. either way, though, it could be a very messy day in the southwest. it's been a messy week in the pacific northwest due to the fires. they've added humidity. with it comes some gusty winds. red flag warnings in the deep red. the orange? fire watches extending into other states, parts of montana, idaho, and other ones. i want to focus in on a third threat of the day. that would be severe weather. it stretches today from oklahoma city to dallas and jackson, all along this stationary front. and look at this. wilmington and norfolk, you have a pocket there as well. we're talking damaging winds,
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hail, and a very outside chance of a tornado. watch your local abc stations. finally, look at this. tropical storm helene. we haven't heard too much from the tropics. making landfall and shouldn't affect texas too much. remember the front i just showed you? it will smush together and bring more rain to south texas than they would have had. a lot of places need it. so that should be all right. something to watch out for. finally waking up, so refreshing. are you seeing the numbers? 54 in duluth this morning. 52 fargo, des moines in the low to mid-50s as well. that is the big picture.
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>> one of my favorite weekends in chicago, the air and water show this weekend. i want to show you a picture. this is from this week. kind of like a foreshadow. it kind of looks like a bird, right? >> like a drone. >> that's a cloud though, so we're good. and scary sky in southwest michigan. a shelf cloud. that's what we call that. i get a lot of pictures from chicago and michigan because that's where i have worked before. now i work for everybody. let's send them in from all over the nation. please, help me out. >> it's amazing to see the low numbers in the midwest. waking up to the 50s after all that heat. >> fargo and des moines, refreshing places to be. now to a dramatic story of courage in the face of crisis. two sisters trapped inside a fiery car wreck on an interstate and the strangers who come to their rescue. ron's got the details on this
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story. it's incredible, ron. >> the situation was horrific. it seemed hopeless. one witness said the women's car engine was engulfed in flames and he could hear their screams as the fire grew hotter and closer. it was then that a group of truck drivers and motorists went into action. when this car went up in flames with two passengers inside, strangers came to the rescue. >> i just yelled, i need a knife. >> reporter: almost 30 people rushed to the rescue along interstate 10 in mississippi. >> i opened up the door and i got her sister out. and another gentleman got her wheelchair and we brought her up to the road. >> reporter: navy second class petty officer melissa estes breaks the back window of the vehicle and cuts the seat belt, releasing the passenger, giovanna, who was handicapped. >> i went around to the driver's side. and saw that the driver -- she was unconscious at the time. >> reporter: the driver is her older sister, felicidad. she regains consciousness.
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gleed bleeding from the ears. >> she was pinned by the steering wheel. no one could get her out. >> reporter: the rescuers risk their own lives. the suv could explode at any moment. >> the flames were getting higher and higher. >> reporter: then, just in time, a cement mixer shows up with water on board. someone in the crowd has a crowbar. >> they got her out and rescued her. >> she was yelling and crying and being hysterical. >> reporter: associated press photographer gerald herbert captures the rescue on camera. >> there's no way that woman would have lived if not for the actions of everyone there. >> reporter: felicidad was transported to a nearby hospital. she's in stable condition. and i should point out, the associated press photographer who took those photos only started shooting after he ran up the interstate for half a mile, gathering a kind of posse of truck drivers and leading them
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along the breakdown lane to where the car was on fire. the truckers used the fire extinguishers to douse the woman inside to keep the fire off her until the cement truck arrived with the water. it was amazing and quick thinking. it looks bad. they're going to be okay. >> i love the combination of heroism and journalism. >> made for a great story. thanks, ron. coming up on "good morning america" on this saturday morning -- the stunning sentence at the trial of the high school teacher accused of having sex, group sex with her students. and the surprising witness for the defense at the teacher's trial. her husband. his emotional testimony coming up. plus, the billionaire and the bozo. how did this clown end up at the center of a brazen robbery at the family home of steve jobs? he ended up with his personal ipad. kenny the clown is speaking out about it all this morning. >> fair the say it's our favorite story of the morning. also coming up, michael phelps under fire for this picture. was he breaking olympic rules here and is he in hot water? and we'll turn to the silly side of politics this morning. there's been a bounty out for a picture of paul ryan shirtless. now one has been found.
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we'll talk about that coming up. ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] zyrtec®. love the air. [ female announcer ] this week only, save up to $15 on zyrtec® products. see sunday's newspaper.
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we tell them that mommy did some bad things and made some bad choices. and that there's a possibility that mommy might have to go away. >> an emotional plea from a husband who was truly betrayed. while overseas in iraq, his wife not only cheats on him, she does it with high school students at the school where she's a teacher. so why is he now defending her? and he's not the only person in her defense. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. a lot of pain this that husband's eyes. >> yes. and a harsh sentence. >> and i'm dan harris. good morning to everybody. it's saturday, august 18th. a truly bizarre and deliciously absurd story. how did this guy, kenny the clown, get caught up in the middle of the investigation of the brazen burglary at the home of steve jobs?
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>> he looks so innocent, so sweet. >> he does. he claims he is innocent. also this morning, these photos have the swimmer michael phelps in hot water. they violate an olympic rule. could he be stripped of the six medals he won at the olympics? we'll tell you about that. >> coming up in just a few minutes. we're going to start with the trial in texas. a high school teacher, wife, and mother of three, on her way to prison right now. brittni colleps had group sex with five of her students, four of them from the football team. more surprising here, the man coming to her defense? her husband. abc's john muller is on the story this morning. good morning, sir. >> reporter: good morning. no one is defending the shocking behavior. the question is, does the crime fit the punishment? texas law prohibits inappropriate relations between teachers and students. so there is wrong doing here. but the students were legally adults. is this a prison-worthy offense? the judge said yes. >> five years. we do not recommend community supervision.
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>> reporter: five years, no parole for the high school english teacher guilty of a texas law prohibiting inappropriate relations with students. she had sex with five of them, all 18 years of age. four of them football players. she did it while her husband was away, serving in iraq. on the stand, her husband wept. but in a surprise twist, stood by his woman. >> i love her with every part of my heart, with every ounce of my being. >> reporter: her husband begging for leniency for their three children's sake. >> i'm asking you to give her probation. >> why? >> because it's not mine or my children's fault. >> reporter: then an appeal from brittni colleps' mother. >> i'm asking you to have mercy for her kids. cause they need their mom. >> reporter: at issue, should she go to prison for having sex with 18-year-olds who were
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legally of age and who consented? 3 of the 5 students testified she did nothing wrong, wanting the judge to give her probation instead of prison time. >> you were excited to be there. you would that be fair to say? >> yes, ma'am. >> you were happy to be there is that right? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: the teacher's own attorney saying it was not statutory rape. and the boys played their part. >> these were not boys. these were not children. these were grown men who connived, conspired, and worked with each other to be with this woman. >> reporter: but in the end, it was prison. prosecutors saying the sentence was just. that she violated rules teachers must abide by. >> you can't have people like her looking to find -- find her sexual enjoyment in schools. >> reporter: all right. so technically, the judge could have put her away for life if he gave her the maximum. you could make the argument that five years is a lenient sentence.
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don't tell that to brittni or her family. >> texas justice. >> reporter: texas justice. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. time to check the other headlines this morning. go back to ron. >> good morning, dan, bianna, everyone. weather grounded planes making an aerial assault on mosquitos in the dallas area for the second night in a row. the planes are dropping pesticides trying to stop the worst west nile outbreak in the nation ever. ten people have died so far. a warning for anyone who eats cantaloupe. a salmonella outbreak that started on an indiana farm has now spread to 20 states. two people have been killed. more than 140 made sick by the tainted fruit. the obama administration is putting out more than $500 million in highway funds. making the money available to states that promise to create jobs and improve transportation. states must say how they will use the money by october. finally, target practice today for nasa's mars rover curiosity. it will test its laser today zapping a rock. the laser is one of the tools
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curiosity will use to study whether mars could support life. it is time now for the weather here on earth. over to ginger zee. >> good morning, everybody. it's a rainy start in boston. that's the picture i want to show you first. a live shot there as we begin our saturday. it will be light rain as you're getting going in boston. south of the city, severe weather overnight. really heavy rain in dallas as well. the two cities, connected this morning, by a front. that's the picture from dallas as the sun was coming up. you had heavy rains. we'll have more as you go into the weekend. let me show you how much to expect. i'll put this into motion. the boston area, just a little bit more. that half-inch rain. but look at areas that need it. oklahoma city and westward. that is where you'll have the most. some spots that need rain will get it with the connected front across much of the nation. behind that front, the cool air. a blast. look at the numbers here. boston, 77 today, 79 on monday.
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philadelphia, 80s and comfortable. slightly below average. i'll leave you with a look across the nation. >> this weather report has been brought to you by pedigree. dan and bianna? >> excited about the cooldown. really excited. >> it felt good this morning. >> it does. you can breathe. >> thank you, ginger. it also means you don't have to cover any more heat stories. coming up, kenny the clown. how did he end up with an ipad belonging to steve jobs? and what did he tell the cops? and michael phelps holds an olympic record 22 medals. a leaked photo is now putting that record in jeopardy. d photo is now putting that record in jeopardy. have gum disease, e age oe and that tartar buildup can be a contributing factor?
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♪ the tears of a clown oh, that's why we're playing that music all this morning. >> hello, a little smokey. >> sorry, a little sleepy. police, by the way, have cracked the case of steve jobs' stolen ipad. they tracked down the clown who
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had it. we mean that literally. it was with this guy, whose stage name is kenny the clown. >> he says he didn't steal it. and he's not happy he ended up with stolen property. >> reporter: it's the story of a billionaire. a break-in. and a bozo? >> welcome to silliness. >> reporter: okay, technically, kenny the clown. aka kenneth kahn. a familiar face on the streets of san francisco. now with more twists than a balloon animal. >> it's really bizarre and if it weren't tragic, it would be comic. >> reporter: it all began when kenny's friend, kareem mcfarland, allegedly busted into the home of apple's late ceo, steve jobs. jobs' family was away while the home was being renovated. the thief got away with diamond earrings worth 60 grand. a necklace from tiffany's. even pocketing jobs' wallet. and then there was the ipad that mcfarland allegedly took and gave to kenny to repay a debt. >> in my wildest dreams, i
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couldn't imagine being in possession of steve jobs' ipad. >> reporter: but kenny said he had no idea that the ipad was stolen from perhaps the most secr secretive tech genius ever. he might have learned his favorite apps, maybe even phone numbers of the rich and famous. alas. >> there's no phone book. i didn't see any information. it was pretty nondescript. i wish i could say it had a beam to the moon or something. it was an ipad. >> reporter: when kenny tried to use the ipad to go online, he stood out like a giant red nose to investigators who were tracking him. >> the next thing i know, the police are at my front door and i'm giving them the ipad. >> reporter: mcfarland was arrested. he's potentially facing eight years in jail. as for kenny -- >> i'm not smiling right now. >> reporter: he's not only juggling apples but the police, too. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver.
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>> he's going for the sad clown thing. >> well, he's in a state of shock. >> it's a disconnect to see a guy with a bright red nose talking in such a sad way. >> i'm sure he was shocked when the cops come to your door. good luck to kenny the clown. coming up on "good morning america," michael phelps in deep water. why this picture could ruin his olympic record. . picture could ruin his olympic record. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain.
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imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. [ music playing ] [ music playing ] hi, i'm new ensure clear... clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. here's what the kids will n-e-e-d.
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♪ pens and markers, paper wide ruled. ♪ ♪ hoodies, sneakers, tape, sticks of glue.♪ ♪ large boxes pencils, highlighters. ♪ ♪ sneakers and t-shirts. ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeeeeans, yeah! ♪ ♪ notebooks and jeans! announcer: school takes a lot, target has it all.
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♪ yes, the techo beat can only mean one thing. it's time for "pop news." we're happy to have our entertainment reporter and host of on the red carpet rachel smith here in new york. we like it better when you're here in new york, actually, than l.a. >> i like it here in new york. let's get to it. seems that kristen stewart and
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robert pattinson won't have awkward encounters at the mtv video music awards. stewart has allegedly pulled out of the show and will reportedly be out of town. according to reports, pattinson and his former flame were supposed to make an appearance, that was before the news of the cheating scandal with the "snow white and the huntsman" director rupe rupert. the inevitable run-in won't be put off for much longer because "the twilight saga -- breaking dawn part two" hits the theaters soon. ryan lochte scored gold medals in the olympics. now he's trying to strike gold with this catch phrase. >> jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. >> i'm kind of obsessed with this. he applied for a trade mark of
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his word. if he gets it, you could see jeah plastered on everything. from workout videos to sunglasses, trading cards, and of course, swimsuits. >> you do a very convincing jeah. >> jeah. >> that's very good. >> we're trying to get ginger to end every forecast with that. >> jeah! >> supposedly, it means good. lochte's friend and rival michael phelps may be in danger of losing some of his medals. phelps could be in hot water for a recent photo shoot for fashion house louis vuitton. the photos were leaked on the internet last week. it violated the rules of olympic athletes from promoting nonolympic sponsors through the olympic games. punishments range from fines to stripping of medals. phelps and louis vuitton both deny leaking the photos. he's no stranger to leaked photos. it would be a shocker if he loses any of his record 22 medals.
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>> you know who i bet would be angry about that? mama. >> oh, you know. >> mama phelps. >> for sure. >> not worth a picture in a bathtub. >> no. and moving along. since mitt romney announced paul ryan as his running mate last week, one of the biggest storylines has been about his intense workouts. that has everyone running to break one of the biggest stories of this campaign, a picture of ryan without his shirt on. tmz won the race. here he is with his wife, janna. this photo was taken six years ago, before he got hooked on p-90x. sources tell tmz that his body, which doesn't look bad here by any means, has been transformed and he now has a killer six pack. >> what does that mean for voting? >> i mean, the stakes are higher. >> it's a cool thing. >> exactly, right. >> keep the focus on the news. >> jeah. >> that's yeah. >> yeah. >> jeah. >> thank you, rachel. you brought so much to us including this new catch phrase.
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i appreciate. it will improve our forecasts going forward. we'll be right back. >> jeah. going forward. we'll be right back. >> jeah. just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very "fruit-ritious." or try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit, and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry pomegranate and cranberry concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. [ splashing ] just, you know, demonstrating how we blend the fruits. ahem. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. [ music playing ] [ music playing ]
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here's one story. i'm sean. i switched to advil® 10 months ago. biking can be really tough on the lower back and your upper thighs. you have some nasty aches and pains. i really like advil® because it takes care of it all. neck ache, shoulder pain and definitely lower back pain. i use advil® because my wife, she's a nurse, she recommended it. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil® pm.
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so, real quick, before we go. there was an important point that ginger wanted to emphasize. take a listen. >> really? >> jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. jeah. aw, jeah. jeah. jeah. >> this will keep playing for a long time.
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>> i love it. >> my favorite is the aw, jeah. >> i think that's the best one. >> drive you crazy pretty quickly. >> you try it at home, folks. it will keep you busy throughout the day. meantime, thanks for watching abc news. watch "world news" with david muir later this evening. >> jeah! later this evening. >> jeah! >> good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney. a back to school event in san francisco today will help out more than 3,000 school children by giving them free backpacks and school supplies. the annual back to school event is made possible this year by a $40,000 grant from lowe's educational foundation. it takes place at the bay view
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hospital house and joe mendel. >> and in the south bay teachers will be handing out to free school supplies. that is from nine to 12 this morning at the factorers market in san jose. let's check in about jeff. >> good morning. check out this showed of volume her cam. absolutely gorgeous. a few clouds for saturday morning. but things should clear out nicely. light showers earlier this morning. everything is pretty much dissipating heading up to the north, heading out to the sacramento valley and lake tahoe could see thunderstorms. 56 degrees in san francisco. oakland is 58 degrees. we have an area of low pressure off the coastguard producing all the precipitation and clouds
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mainly driving up in the central part of california and along the sierra. for us just a few clouds. slight chance after an isolated shower as the moisture pushes from the south to the north. temperatures look pretty nice, 60s and 70s. have a great saturday.
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